Monday, July 18, 2011

Tomorrow is the day!

To get nervous and run away because it's weigh in day! Nah, I'm not nervous but am interested to see how well I did. Well, I'm not going to judge on how "well" I did by the weight I lost because they may not be directly related. I'm just happy that I made great choices in what I ate. We'll see!

We stopped at Western to get our groceries this weekend and I found this wine. HAHA! I am a middle child and can be smarty pants. LOL! Too funny - I should have bought it and tried it out.

This morning I tried oatmeal. I cooked it with skim milk and added fresh blueberries and Splenda. Can I say YUCK? I would rather have wheat bread or a boiled egg. I didn't like it at all. What am I doing wrong? I guess I need to look up a recipe to see if I can improve some oatmeal. The thing is that I need to find a quick meal that I can make.... that tastes good... that will sustain me through lunch. Any ideas?
I wish I had a better picture of the dinner I made tonight. Very tasty and filling. I made wheat rotini and paired it with pork loin, eggplant, onion and romaine. I sauted the onion and garlic, added the cut up pork loin (slivers) and browned the meat. Then I added the egglant and cooked it with a bit of chicken stock. Add the romaine last to keep the crunch. The sauce was a chinese - chinese 5 spice, soy sauce and oyster sauce. Delish.

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